Choreographers Showcase

Choreographers Showcase - Friday December 13 and Saturday December 14th at 7PM in the Van Duzer Theatre. $8 General, $5 Children, Free for Cal Poly Humboldt Students

The Cal Poly Humboldt School of Dance, Music, and Theatre presents Choreography Showcase, directed by Kyleigh Brine and Carrie Walpole. Join us Friday, December 13th and Saturday, December 14th at 7:00 p.m. at the John Van Duzer Theatre at Cal poly Humboldt. Tickets are $8 general, $5 children, and free for Cal Poly Humboldt students with ID. Tickets may be purchased at the door or in advance at

The evenings dances include:

Computerized Emotion, by student choreographer Stella Marie, is a fusion of west coast hip hop and contemporary about desperately trying to grasp at a sense of control in an uncertain, unsafe and chaotic environment, but even when finally free from all of it chaos still overwhelms the mind. 

Midnight Muses, choreographed  by MJ Williams, is a jazz funk piece with elements of whacking and voguing, inspired and reimagined by rising pop stars debuting at awards shows. The piece surrounds itself with high energy, sultry seduction, and a whole lot of fun. This piece is for all the gay people who spend nights watching music videos and live performances.

Unlovable, Choreographed by student choreographer Jordan Eyre, Is a ballet piece inspired by a toxic Mother Daughter relationship. It shows the pain and strength of figuring out who you are outside of the mold that can be forced upon you.

Dysrhythmia, choreographed by Kole Fisher, is a modern/contemporary piece exploring a relationship not meant to be. Taunted with glimpses of synchronicity, life pulls them in opposite directions. Missed connection after missed connection, their lives become an endless cycle of unspoken words and unrealized potential.

Discothèque Darlings, choreographed by Lana Gallinat, is a jazz funk piece that encapsulates the dynamic interactions between unique individuals in a club atmosphere. The development of a relationship between the dancers aims to exhibit the power of music and dance to bring people together. 

Unstuck, choreographed by student choreographer Gabrielle Jones, is a contemporary piece inspired by her own feelings of panic, anxiety and loneliness. Jones aims to support the audience through their own personal journey with mental health and help them feel less alone. 

Set in Stone, choreographed by student choreographer Phoenix Jones, is a Ballet piece... inspired by Greek Mythology that follows a lost traveler that stumbles into a clearing with 3 beautiful statues in it, intrigued, she dances among them. Suddenly the statues come to life to join her, and she is filled with wonder and joy. Until the seemingly innocent statues reveal their true nature…

Eternal Light, choreographed by student choreographer Makena Martin, is a contemporary piece inspired by the loss of an influential person in her life. This piece follows dancers through the beginning stages of grief. With an overarching theme of uncertainty and feeling lost while searching for answers, Eternal Light hopes to resonate with the abstract experiences of loss in both physical and emotional aspects. 

Get Over Him, is a piece about a girl who just left her toxic relationship and with the help of her friends, she learns how to be free again.  This dance is mainly hip-hop but also has some theatrical scenes.  As the dance begins our protagonist will find it hard to stay on stage but with the girl's support she finds herself having fun once again. This dance is for all the girls who spent what felt like an eternity stuck in a toxic relationship and are learning how to find themselves again.  

Coruscate, choreographed by student choreographer Ciel Schlagenhauf is a modern/ contemporary dance inspired by the way light moves and reflects on the surface of water. This dance features the use of roll offs and repetitive movements with moments of stillness to encapsulate the essence of letting your mind wonder, yet always coming back to one's self.

Date and Time: Friday, December 13th at 7:00 pm and Saturday, December 14th at 7:00pm

Location: John Van Duzer Theatre

Price:  $8.00 general; $5.00 senior/child, FREE Cal Poly Humboldt students with current ID

Ticket Purchase>>

Contact: Cal Poly Humboldt School of Dance, Music, and Theatre, 707-826-3566,