About Us
Program Overview
The dance program is designed to encourage students to explore their artistic and creative qualities while improving and enhancing their technical dance skills.
The program provides an interdisciplinary approach to education, while preparing students for dance-related careers and for graduate studies.
We offer a broad spectrum of both traditional technique classes as well world dance forms such as African, Middle Eastern, Mexican Folklorico and Aztec dance. The program encourages students to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the technical, artistic and intellectual sides of dance.
Dance Program Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Evaluate basic knowledge of dance from the historical, social and cultural contexts by using specific dance vocabulary.
2. Execute basic dance technique skills.
3. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the body from anatomical and/or somatic perspectives.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of compositional craft for choreography.
5. Identify necessary components of dance production.
The Degrees
B.A. In Dance
Majors must be able to place in DANC 310, DANC 320 and DANC 330 to complete degree. Lower levels of these courses taken remedially count as dance electives. It is highly recommended that majors take a dance technique class every semester: One repeat of each of the following may count as a Dance/Movement elective. “T” courses offer 1 unit opportunities to maintain technical and artistic performance skills. Majors must complete their course of study with a C or better in each course.
B. A. in Dance 45-47 units for the major
Core Courses (29 units)
- DANC 104 Modern/Contemporary 2 (3 units)
- DANC 287 Choreography/Rhythmic Analysis (1 unit)
- DANC 303 Dance in World Cultures (3 units)
- DANC 310 Ballet 2 (2 units)
- DANC 320 Jazz 2 (2 units)
- DANC 330 Modern/Contemporary 3 (2 units)
- DANC 350 Dance Science (2 units)
- DANC 352 Bodyworks (3 units)
- DANC 354 Teaching of Dance (2 units)
- DANC 389 Choreography 2 (2 units)
- DANC 477w Career Skills for Performing Artists (3 units)
- DANC 488 Dance Performance Ensemble (1 unit)
- DANC 489 Dance Theatre Production (3 units)
Complete four units of the following(4)
- DANC 240 African Dance (1 unit)
- DANC 241 Hip hop (1 unit)
- DANC 243 Tap Dance (1 unit)
- DANC 245 Middle Eastern Dance (1 unit)
- DANC 247 Mexican Folklorico Dance (1 unit)
- DANC 248 Danza Azteca (1 unit)
Complete eight units from the following (8)
- DANC 103 Modern/Contemporary 1 (3 units)
- DANC 110 Ballet 1 (2 units)
- DANCE 120 Jazz 1 (2 units)
- DANC 310T Ballet 2 Skills maintenance (1 unit)
- DANC 320T Jazz 2 Skills maintenance (1 unit)
- DANC 330T Modern/Cont. Skills maintenance (1 unit)
- DANC 488 Dance Performance repeated (1-3 units)
- PE 192 Latin Dance (1 unit)
- PE 195 Swing Dance (1 unit)
Complete 4-6 units from the following (4-6)
- CD 209 Child Development (3 units)
- CD255 Early Child Development (3 units)
- ES 202 Hip hop and the Black Experience (3 units)
- ES 305 African American Cultural History (3 units)
- ES 314 Chicano Culture and Society (3 units)
- MUS 302 Music in World Cultures (3 units)
- PHIL 309b Perspectives: Humanities (3 units)
- Rec 302 Inclusive Recreation (3 units)
- TA 105 Acting 1 (3 units)
- TA 221 Make up for Stage and Screen (2 units)
- TA 307 Theatre of the Oppressed (3 units)
- TA 237 Production Techniques (2 units)
- TA 333 Lighting Design (4 units)
- TA 336 Costume Design (4 units)
Approved Electives- Interdisciplinary
Group 1: Design and Production for Dance
Choose ONE course
- TA 237 Production Techniques (3 units)
- TA 333 Lighting Design Stage/Screen (4 units)
- TA 336 Costume Design Stage/Screen (4 units)
Group 2: Dance/Art for Self, Society and Culture
- ES 245 Hip Hop/Black Experience (3 units)
- MUS 302 Music in World Culture (3 units)
- PHIL 301 Reflections on the Arts (3 units)
- PHIL 309B Perspectives: Humanities/Science/Social Science (3 units)
- SOC 316 Gender and Society (4 units)
- TA 104 Story Through Word and Image (4 units)
- TA 307 Theater of the Oppressed (3 units)
Group 3: Dance Education
- CD 209 Middle Childhood Development (3 units)
- CD 255 Early Childhood Development (3 units)
- CD 350 Perspectives: Life Span Development (3 units)
- DANC 484 Creative Dance for the Classroom (3 units)
- KINS 313 Concepts of Teaching Dance (2 units)
- KINS 317 Concepts of Teaching Fitness (2 units)
- KINS 475 Elementary Education/PE (3 units)
- KINS 484 Motor Development/Learning (3 units)
- REC 210 Recreation Leadership (3 units)
- REC 302 Inclusive Recreation (3 units)
- REC 320 Organization, Administration and Planning (3 units)
Dance Minor (Total: Minimum 18 units)
Core Courses (9 units)
- DANC 104 Modern/Contemporary 2 (3 units)
- DANC 287 Choreography/Rhythmic Analysis (1 unit)
- DANC 303 Dance in World Cultures (3 units)
- DANC 389 Choreography 2 (2 units)
Complete one unit of the following(1)
- DANC 240 African Dance (1 unit)
- DANC 241 Hip hop (1 unit)
- DANC 243 Tap Dance (1 unit)
- DANC 245 Middle Eastern Dance (1 unit)
- DANC 247 Mexican Folklorico Dance (1 unit)
- DANC 248 Danza Azteca (1 unit)
Complete eight units from the following (8) (one must be upper division: 300 or 400 level)
- DANC 103 Modern/Contemporary 1 (3 units)
- DANC 110 Ballet 1 (2 units)
- DANCE 120 Jazz 1 (2 units)
- DANC 310T Ballet 2 Skills maintenance (1 unit)
- DANC 320T Jazz 2 Skills maintenance (1 unit)
- DANC 330T Modern/Cont. Skills maintenance (1 unit)
- DANC 488 Dance Performance repeated (1-3 units)
- PE 192 Latin Dance (1 unit)
- PE 195 Swing Dance (1 unit)
Double Major
Want to double major?
Many students like to combine a dance major with a second major which gives students greater career opportunities upon graduation. With careful planning, it is possible for a student to graduate in four years with a double major.
Several of our required classes double-count as GE requirements:
- DANC 103, 104 Area C lower division
- DANC 303 Area C upper division and DCG – non-domestic
- DANC 352 (prior to fall 18) Area E upper division
Interdisciplinary electives allow for many courses in the second major to double count on the Dance degree.
Here are a few easily facilitated double majors that are applicable to career success and currently popular our students:
- Dance and Kinesiology
- Dance and Theater
- Dance and Child Development
- Dance and Elementary Education
- Dance and Recreation
- Dance and Psychology
Dance Careers and Marketable Skills
Majoring in dance can lead to dance careers as:
- Artistic director
- Performer in a company or commercial/amusement venues
- Choreographer
- Studio Manager/owner
- Dance teacher
- Dance Critic or Historian
- Roles in production
- Company management
- Arts advocacy
- Event coordinator
Marketable skills obtained include:
- Teamwork
- Collaboration
- Creativity
- Artistic expression
- Leadership
- Hands-on problem-solving
- Teaching skills
- Written, verbal, and non-verbal communication skills
- Knowledge of cultural history and events
- Working with diverse populations
- People management
- Time management